The Odd Year Caucus and Biennial Organizing Meeting will be held
April 12, 2025
Ames Public Library Auditorium
Registration at 9 am
More information, including agendas, precinct vacancies, how to find your precinct by voting address, duties of members etc, at:
Iowa Caucuses
“Caucus” is a broad term that means “meeting.” It is also used to describe a group of affiliated members such as the Black Caucus. A congressional caucus is a group of members of Congress that meets to pursue common legislative objectives.
In Iowa we hold a Caucus every year. They are usually held in February or early March. Watch this page for the dates, locations and official Call to Caucus or sign up for our newsletter here- so you will receive the Call to Caucus by email.
In Presidential Election years the Caucus is the first step in the Caucus to Convention process that leads to the National Convention.
In the even numbered years that aren’t a Presidential year, the Caucus is called the Off Year Caucus. We elect Delegates to serve at the County Convention, which is held in every even numbered year. District and State Conventions are held during Off Years also.
The Caucuses held in odd years are called the Odd Year Caucuses. These are organizational meetings where we gather to organize, plan for the upcoming elections and elect members to our Central Committee to represent each Precinct. There are no Conventions in the Odd Years.
County, District and State Conventions are held in even numbered years. The National Convention is only held in Presidential Election years.
The County Conventions
At the County Convention, Delegates will be elected to serve at the District and State Conventions. In Presidential Election years they are pledged to Presidential candidates based upon the proportion of the Presidential Preference mailing cards. For example if candidate A receives 15% support then they will receive 15% of the Delegates being elected to serve at District and State.
You do not have to have been elected as a County Delegate at the Caucus to attend the Convention and run to serve as a Delegate at the District and State Conventions.
The Platform written by the Platform Committee that was elected at the Caucus will be debated and a vote will be taken to approve it.
Members to serve on the District Convention Committees will be elected.
Platform Resolutions will also be accepted for submission to the District Platform Committee.
Format for a Platform Resolution:
The District Conventions
The Platform written by the Platform Committee that was elected at the County Conventions will be debated and a vote will be taken to approve it.
Members to serve on the Iowa Democratic State Central Committee will be elected.
Members to serve on the State Convention Committees will be elected.
Platform Resolutions will also be accepted for submission to the State Platform Committee.
Format for a Platform Resolution:
In Presidential Election years only, National Delegates will be elected to serve at the Democratic National Conventions that are pledged to Presidential candidates based upon the proportion of the Presidential Preference mailing cards. For example if candidate A receives 15% in the District, then they will receive 15% of the Delegates being elected to serve at the National Convention.
The State Convention
An Affirmative Action Chair, who serves on the Iowa Democratic State Central Committee will be elected.
Members to serve on the Democratic National Convention Committees will be elected.
Platform Resolutions will also be accepted for submission to the National Platform Committee.
The Platform written by the Platform Committee that was elected at the District Conventions will be debated and a vote will be taken to approve it.
Format for a Platform Resolution:
Amendment submissions to the IDP Constitution will be debated. To see the requirements and deadline for submissions see Article XV at
In Presidential Election years only, additional National Delegates will be elected to serve at the Democratic National Conventions that are pledged to Presidential candidates based upon the proportion of the Presidential Preference mailing cards. For example if candidate A receives 15% support in Iowa, then they will receive 15% of the Delegates being elected to serve at the National Convention.