Welcome — Story Dems

We are the Story County Democrats.

We are an all volunteer organization. We do not have staff to keep regular office hours. The location at 415 Main St is open for specific events listed on our “Events” tab. During election season, candidates’ campaign staff may schedule events that are listed there.

The best way to reach us is with the contact form on the right. We reply promptly. To contact candidates or elected officials use the contact information on the “Candidates” and “Elected Officials” tabs.

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 1256 Ames, IA 50014-1256

Phone: 515-620-5152

Email: storycountydemocrats@gmail.com

Our Central Committee Meetings are held on the last Thursday of the month (except in November when it is the 3rd Thursday due to Thanksgiving) at 7 pm. It is held at the Ames Library subject to room availability. Check the “Events” tab for specific meeting locations. There is no meeting in December. Zoom is available. Contact us at storycountydemocrats@gmail.com to request the link.

Find election information, including how to register to vote and polling locations here-


We are involved in many progressive causes, and are always looking for more members, especially students at ISU.
Some of the activities you can help us with are:
Advocating for candidates and public policy
Helping with fund-raising events
Writing letters
Making telephone calls
Door-knocking for/with candidates
Working to GET-OUT-THE-VOTE for Election Day

Sign up to volunteer here:


Contact us.