Find your polling location at:
There are several ways and many times to vote! We recommend voting early, officially known as Absentee Voting in Person. This avoids the worry of depending on the mail or last minute emergencies that might prevent you from getting to the polls on Election Day. But the most important thing is for you to PLAN YOUR VOTE. Choose the option that works for you and make your plan now.
In-person early voting starts 20 days before an Election at 8 am at the Auditor's Office at 900 6th St in Nevada. Voting is available Monday through Friday, 8 am to 4:30 until the day before the Election.
The office is also open on the last Saturday before and Election from 8 am to 5 pm.
Any Story County voter may vote at Satellite Locations. Locations will be posted here when satellite voting locations are announced.
Request an absentee ballot. Sorry you can't do it online. For any election, the first day the County Auditor can accept absentee ballot requests is 70 days prior to the election. You’ll need to print an absentee ballot request form. Our Story County Auditor has designed a form that is pre-addressed and folds so you don't need an envelope and it's postage paid! Your form needs to be AT your county auditor’s office – not still in the mail –15 days before the Election.
Here's the link:
If you don’t have a printer at home, email your name and address to and we will mail one to Story County registered voters.
Fill out the request form correctly! Make sure you’ve filled out all of the appropriate boxes including any apartment or dorm room number. Your phone number and email might take an extra minute but it means that your county election officials can reach out if there are any issues with your request or ballot.
Wait for your ballot to be mailed to you. The first day absentee ballots are mailed out is 20 days before an Election.
Fill out your ballot and return it! Mail it ASAP or return it directly to the Auditor’s Office during business hours. The outside 24 hour dropbox is no longer available due to changes in the law.
Absentee Voting is safe and convenient but you MUST return your ballot on time! Allow ample time if mailing it or return it directly to the County Auditor. Every Absentee Ballot that is returned on time is counted. It is not true that they are only counted in close races.
Your ballot needs to be AT your county auditor’s office – not still in the mail – by 8 PM on Election Day. If you cannot return your ballot in time, take it to your polling place on Election Day and vote a regular ballot. If your ballot is lost or still in the mail, ask to vote a provisional ballot at your polling place on Election Day.
Ballots received late will not be counted.
Republicans have passed restrictions about when,and how absentee ballots may be returned and who may return them. only an immediate family member or member of a disabled voter’s household may return a ballot. see your ballot for complete instructions and follow them carefully.
More information is available from the Story County Auditor-
and the Iowa Secretary of State-
A summary of Absentee Voting law changes can be found at:
Polls are open 7 am to 8 pm
Your Polling Place May Have Changed
Find it here-
Note that polls now close at 8 pm due to new voter laws.
Due to redistricting and reprecincting, your polling place may have changed. you may use this lookup tool and find your polling location by entering your address.
Note: If you have moved since you last registered to vote, go to the polling location of your NEW address. You may update your Voter Registration there and vote. You will need picture ID and proof of your new address if the address on your ID is not current.
changes to iowa election laws
There have been major changes to Iowa election laws enacted by the Republican legislature and signed by Governor Reynolds. They cut polling hours, restrict early voting and absentee ballot voting periods and who may assist a voter in retuning their ballot. The Iowa State Association of County Auditors has prepared this informative document. Click here to view or download.
Republicans passed a law classifying as “inactive” anyone who has not voted in single general election. being classified as inactive is the first step in removing a voter from the voter roll.
If you receive a notice from the Secretary of State advising you that you have been classified as inactive, follow the instructions given. If you did not receive the notice, the easiest way to return to active status is to complete a new registration form and VOTE in every election.
Check your Voter Registration, update your address and contact information or find out how to register to vote here-
Students: You may choose to register using your college address and vote in Story County if you wish. Don’t forget to update your voting address using the above link when you move.
find my legislative district
To find your new legislative district, you may enter your address here. This map says “proposed” but it IS the plan signed by the Governor and is correct.
The voter id law and you
Full information at the Iowa Secretary of State’s website-
What is a valid form of ID to show at the polls?
Iowa Driver's License
Iowa Non-Operator's ID
Student ID issued by Iowa High School or College (Must include a photo and current and valid expiration date)
Military ID
U.S. Passport
Tribal ID
Veteran's ID
Voter ID Card (NOT Voter Registration Card)
How does this law affect voter registration?
This law does not affect Iowa’s voter registration process. There are still multiple ways to register to vote, including at the polls on Election Day. Voters registering on Election Day still need to bring a picture ID and proof of residency in the precinct, like a utility bill. This has not been changed from previous elections. You can also register to vote anytime during business hours at the County Auditor’s Office at 900 6th St in Nevada. Or you can download the form and mail it to that address. If you meet certain requirements, you can register online. More Voter Registration information, including the form, can be found here-
What about voters who don’t have an ID?
Any registered voter who does not have valid driver's license or non-operators ID issued by the Iowa Department of Transportation will be issued a Voter ID Card for free, automatically, in the mail. This also applies to anyone who registers to vote in the future. Upon receipt of the Voter ID Card in the mail, it should be immediately signed and placed in the voter’s purse or wallet, and taken with them to vote. Obtaining the Voter ID Card does not require any further documentation or action by the voter. Voters simply need to be registered, and take their new Voter ID Card to the polls when they vote.
The 10/01/2019 ruling states that Auditors must issue a voter id card to registered voters who request it, even if they have a valid IA DL or id.
If you lose or do not receive your Voter ID card, you may request a replacement from your county auditor. The Story County Auditor can be reached by calling (515) 382-7210.