Parking is available behind the building, accessed on WOI Rd.
8:00 a.m. Registration opens
9:00 a.m. Convention called to order, temporary business begins
10:00 a.m. Official business begins
The Call to Convention postcards were mailed to Delegates on March 15th. It includes the Alternate Designation Form for use if a Delegate cannot attend. Find the list of Alternates in the Convention Book, which will be posted at on March 17th.
Alternates received an email Call to Convention.
If you did not receive a notice, contact the Credentials Chair. For questions about Rules, or Platform, contact the appropriate Chair. Request for Accommodation should be directed to the Arrangements Chair. All other questions may be directed to the Convention Committee Chair.
Convention Committee Chair- Jessica Fears (
Platform Committee- Mark Olberding (
Rules Committee- Jon Klein (
Credentials Committee- Evan Burger (
Arrangements Committee- Madalyn Anderson (