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Drive Up Inauguration Celebration with Jackie Norris

  • North River Valley Softball Fields Parking Lot 725 E. 13th St Ames, IA (map)

Join us at the softball fields at North River Valley Park in Ames to celebrate the Inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris! The Oath of Office will be broadcast on television at Noon EST. Our in-person event will be later in the afternoon.

Our MC, Story County Supervisor Linda Murken will welcome you and our Special Guest Speaker Jackie Norris, Senior Advisor to the Biden for President Campaign.

Attendees will remain in their vehicles and tune into 87.9 FM to listen to our program. Due to Winter weather, this program will be very brief and subject to cancellation if there is more snowfall and the lot cannot be plowed in time. Please note there will not be restrooms available.

As we begin our economic recovery, many are struggling, and food banks are in need. If you are able, we encourage you to bring non-perishable food items for donation to Food at First or make a monetary donation to them or another food bank of your choice directly.

After our program we will form a procession that will exit the park, going west on 13th and ending at our office on Main St. (Exact route TBD) Decorate your vehicle if you are able! We have some Biden signs that may be used.

There is no admission charge though donations are appreciated. Secure online donations may be made at