Join us for our (hopefully) last Drive Up Event! We are looking forward to holding big get togethers but don’t think we’re there quite yet, so we want everyone to stay safe. Attendees will listen to our program on their car stereos on channel 87.9.
This is a free will offering event and ALL are welcome!
Rep. CindyAxne will be our keynote speaker and Senator Herman Quirmbach will be our Emcee..
We are encouraging everyone to make sure ALL their contact information is correct and up to date so we will be distributing Voter Registration forms to all attendees and requesting they fill them out and we will collect them for delivery to the County Auditor.
Free will donations of any amount gratefully accepted at the door, Donations may also be made by check made out to:
Story County Democratic Central Committee
P.O. Box 1256
Ames, IA 50014
Or online at
We will also be hosting another Food Drive to benefit Food at First so bring a non-perishable food item if you are able.
Donations to the Story County Democrats are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Story County Democratic Central Committee