The Caucus DOES NOT include an expression of presidential preference. That will be done by mail, allowing all who wish to participate to do so.
Click here to request yours-
Important Dates:
November 1, 2023: First day you’re able to request your 2024 Presidential Preference Card
January 12, 2024: Presidential Preference Cards will begin being mailed to voters
January 15, 2024: In-person precinct caucuses will be held
February 19, 2024: Last day to request your Presidential Preference Card
March 5, 2024: The Iowa Democratic Party will release results of the mail-in presidential preference
You can find more information about the Iowa Democratic Party's reformed Caucus process at
. The in-person Caucus will be similar to non-presidential years. We will conduct party business consisting ONLY of the election of unpledged County Delegates, County Convention Committee members and Central Committee members. Participants may also submit Platform Resolutions for consideration.
All Democrats wishing to serve on the Central Committee, as County Delegates, or on the Convention Committees or submit Platform Resolutions are encouraged to attend. Convention
Committees are: Platform, Rules, Credentials and Arrangements. Only registered Democrats residing in Story County are eligible to participate. Voter registration will be available at the Caucus for those wishing to register in Story County or change their party affiliation to Democrat so they can participate.
More information about the Caucus to Convention process is at