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District Convention

  • Iowa Central Community College 1 triton ci (map)

At the District Convention, National Delegates will be elected to serve at the Democratic National Conventions that are pledged to Presidential candidates based upon the proportion of the Presidential Preference mailing cards. For example if candidate A receives 15% in the District, then they will receive 15% of the Delegates being elected to serve at the National Convention.

The Platform written by the Platform Committee that was elected at the County Conventions will be debated and a vote will be taken to approve it.

Members to serve on the Iowa Democratic State Central Committee will be elected.

Members to serve on the State Convention Committees will be elected.

Platform Resolutions will also be accepted for submission to the State Platform Committee.

Delegates and Alternates will be emailed additional information and a Convention Book after the Convention Committees meet . This will not be until late April.

Map of College: