To request an absentee ballot, a physical signed formed is required. Sorry, you cannot request a ballot online or over the phone.
Request Forms are available at the Auditor’s Office and may be filled out and returned there.
Or download the form and mail it. It must be received by the Auditor by Oct. 21st to have a ballot mailed to you. EARLY is better!
The form can be folded so it doesn’t need an envelope and is postage paid.
Ballots begin mailing on Oct. 16th.
Ballots MUST be received by the Auditor by Election Day, Nov. 5th to be counted! Return your ballot immediately. It can be hand delivered to the Auditor’s Office during business hours. If you cannot return your ballot on time, you can surrender it at your polling location on Election Day and vote a regular ballot. BRING ID. If you have lost your ballot, go to your polling location, explain and request to vote a PROVISIONAL BALLOT.
More info at